§ 1983 Civil Rights Litigation
Section 1983 cases arise when a state actor infringes upon a private person's clearly established constitutional rights. These actions often apply when a plaintiff is arrested or otherwise restrained by the police or other state actor and when a property or other interest is taken away without the required due process. These claims also may contain claims for excessive force or the deprivation of the right to free speech and other rights under the First Amendment.
These cases are typically quite complex and vary in their application depending upon the jurisdiction they are filed in. They may be filed in either state or federal court and often contain additional state claims such as false arrest, malicious prosecution, defamation, and abuse of process.
Congress enacted 42 U.S.C. 1983 in order to encourage potential litigants to come forward and created a provision for the collection of attorney's fees if the action is successful. There is no upfront out of pocket expense to a potential litigant if we determine that your case is worth filing.
If you believe your clearly established constitutional rights have been infringed upon or if you feel you have been improperly arrested, discriminated against, or treated improperly by a person in a government position contact us for a free consultation at toll free 888- 824-5339, or email us at snorman@thenormanlawfirm.com.