Motor Vehicle Collisions
If you have been involved in an auto collision and sustained damages including medical expenses, bodily injury, psychological damage, or property damage, the likelihood is that you need an attorney to assist in navigating your rights with the culpable party and their insurance companies.
The Norman Law Firm has a successful track record of negotiating with insurance companies to receive the highest potential settlement for our clients. Motor Vehicle cases are typically undertaken on a contingency fee basis where the costs of litigation are absorbed by our firm until the case is settled or a successful verdict is obtained. Statistics report that over 90% of motor vehicle cases are settled before trial, however, we prepare every case from day one assuming we are going to litigate your case. This advanced preparation provides notice to the insurance companies during all stages of the proceeding, including the alternative dispute process such as mediation, that we are prepared and ready to litigate if they are not reasonable during settlement negotiations.